Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Facebook Page: Organize and Schedule

The purpose of your Facebook Business or Fan Page is to maintain a stream of content in order to advocate your brand to all your friends. Posts on your Facebook Fan pages will show up in your “news feeds” on the profile pages of your fans. Remember to post a fun comment or two occasionally.

Depending on your brand you should keep your personal profile page updated and real. People will not interact with you if you are constantly posting business information and little about you. Your friends should be organized into categories, namely friends, family, and business. In that way only specific friends will receive the messages. You can control who can view specific things on your profile page by adjusting your privacy settings.

Check to make sure the following instructions are still applicable since FaceBook updates and makes changes often. From your personal account click on your friends, and then you can click on friends, pages, pictures or news feeds and create lists. Use the friend list to filter who can view news feeds, updates, photos or whatever you want to filter. You can invite up to 100 friends to specific events. Sending messages is regulated to a specific number as well.

Now its time to schedule those posts. We plan and schedule everything. We plan appointments, schedule meals, and make preparations for the holidays. In the same way, we should arrange for our blog and social media posts.

One good way to do this is to create a monthly calendar to plan your daily updates. In order to be consistent it is wise to plan.

Here are some steps to consider:

1.    Spread updates so you can appear consistent but not obnoxious. Too many posts and you’ll be ignored, or hidden. You don’t want to lose fans. Try to mix up your updates. You can use a link to a blog post or great article, a note, a photo or video update.
2.    Schedule a time for comments to interact with your friends or customers. Most comments occur within a 24 hour period before it drops out of the news feeds
3.    Schedule a time to read the posts. Make sure you see what key people are saying and comment back when appropriate.
4.    Analyze your stats data and look at the type of posts that attract the most conversation and track these changes.
5.    Make time to add more friends from suggested list or recommendations from other friends. Interact with these new people.

Look over your schedule and realize this is a good way to make all the posts look natural and unplanned. It is a good way to stay connected, get the word out about your product. Planning your posts will definitely help you to write them. And, best of all you will be spending your time wisely, to reach, interact and encourage your contacts to take the time to read your posts and learn about you and your business.